Acne Friendly Food Swaps.
As acne experts, one of the most common questions we are asked is how food can affect acne and the skin as a whole. Let’s be very clear—we are not doctors nor dietitians but we cannot ignore the affect certain foods have on the skin; for better or for worse. It’s our job as acne experts to provide this knowledge to our clients and let them and their doctors make the best decision for themselves.
Our approach at We Love Acne is to never take an elimination approach, unless the client specifically wants to, but instead make simple acne-friendly swaps. These swaps can be done very easily and often have a healthier and even tastier alternative. Below are a few of the most common acne food triggers we see with their acne-friendly substitute listed beside it.
Food is never the enemy. We need food to help us grow and be strong but food is often vilified when it comes to acne. As we mentioned previously, there are known food acne triggers, but moderation is always key. What’s the point in having clear skin if you’re miserably trying to keep it clear. Indulge when you decide and remember you are always in control of your food choices, not the other way around! For a full list of acne-friendly recipes and beverages visit our SHOP page and download our free e-cookbook as an acne resource!